Sunday, May 25, 2008

BEEP. You Have :-3976-: Messages.

I apologize for not being as frequent as I should, I've just been so tied up with school and the ministry me and a friend have been working towards. Although this is old news by now, yes, I am now a Youth Minister at my church. It feels so great to lead other people my age in the right direction. In fact, I've made many a good number of lessons and sermons (maybe 15), which I will eventually put up here. But, you readers are so special, wherever you may be, you get original messages made specifically for you.

Actually, the message title isn't just because I haven't been around in some time (again, SORRY!)

God and You. Father and Son. King and Prince (sorry for gender specificity, you know what I mean). This is your relationship with God. This is his relationship with You. I know I'm being repetitive, but for some reason, this is so hard for people to understand. People always forget that God is wholly("entirely", heh, I barely use that word) invested in you. 100%, but people are sometimes satisfied with very little percent or none at all. People forget that God wants the same back from you

And, what kind of relationship is it when you don't even call? Or worst, yet, you come to church on sundays thinking you payed your weekly dues? That's not how a real, solid relationship works. Everybody knows that. So, why is it that people ignore that obvious fact when they're faced with the presence of God. You know, Jesus didn't die on the cross and resurrect from the grave because he left his wallet. He came back because he wanted to get that immense love he gave, in return, from the people he died for.

That is why you have to always pray and keep God in mind. (yes, even while watching the game or scarfing down a Meat Lovers footlong sub(alternative: Veggie Lovers footlong sub), whenever and all the time) It's not that hard, and you have no reason to avoid it. Because even though as humans, who delight in the things of the flesh, sin constantly, God doesn't see that when you confess to Him that he's the only good and that all that stuff is what's keeping you from Him. It's because, and excuse me to bring it up again, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world". God always and only has good things for you when you pray. Praying is opening up your heart, and showing God what it desires, what you really want in your life through Him. But you don't get those things from hiding from Him, even if you've run off and come back, over and over and over, God will see that you are trying to love Him like you did before, and that you'll love Him more than ever before one day, and that's all that God asks.

People don't do it because prayer involves you to look in the mirror, and a lot of times people are afraid that if they look in the mirror, they won't like what they see. But that's the whole point. Be happy, because that means you need God, and he always wants to help you. What Father or Son or Husband or Wife wouldn't love to have the opportunity to do something wonderful for the one they love? 

Even if you don't answer, God's always calling you. And, for all of you who don't think you call as often as you should, your answering-machine's piling up. Each message is a wonderful life-changing message that will impact you, because God knows your heart's deepest desires. But what good is a message if you don't hear it? It may sound like I'm oversimplifying here but I'm not: Why not open your presents at Christmas? If any reason at all, it'd be out of disappointment, but this is God. He made you, he knows exactly what you want.

So all you have to do is call, and pray, and listen, and answer. It's as simple as that.

God Bless You, Everyday.

Verse a Day, it's memorial day, so yes, it's a holiday. (Wow, that didn't really rhyme and I'm getting pretty cliche) <-AHA! I DID IT.

Psalm 15:1-2
1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? 
       Who may live on your holy hill?

 2 He whose walk is blameless 
       and who does what is righteous, 
       who speaks the truth from his heart.